Operation Stop Scams is a series of over 150 free document shredding and fraud education events held across the US. Working under a 1.5 week timeline with an internal AARP Fraud Watch Network (FWN) client and AARP art director, I created a series of print and web assets to advertise these events.
2017 was the first time FWN included fraud education events alongside shredding events. The client sought a refreshed look that included both types of events while still aligning with existing FWN materials and core AARP branding. The goals of the project were to educate the public about fraud and identity theft, serve AARP’s local communities, and add new members to the Fraud Watch Network.
Early image exploration and photo treatments.
We knew from the beginning that photography would be the focal point of the collateral. We explored various conceptual images based on fraud prevention. The money and padlock option was the client’s favorite option, because the eye contact catches viewer attention and the padlock suggests security. The blue-to-red overlay ties the images to FWN’s brand.
Look and feel
I incorporated FWN’s branding using the font Calvert and navy blue and red. The distressed effect intimates shredded paper as well as a glitched screen. This reflects the fact that many scams are now occurring digitally. The body of the assets were kept clean and open in order to fit the copy needs of the AARP state offices running the events.
During focus testing with a Hispanic American audience, it was found that the $100 bill and lock image was interpreted as something to do with government corruption or jail. For our Spanish translated materials, the photo was replaced with the image of a credit card.
The Operation Stop Scams ad collateral was successful in achieving our goals. The print and online media had about a combined 250 placements with an estimated reach of over ten million. This lead to about 30,000 attendees, over a million pounds of sensitive documents shredded, and about 3,600 FWN signups.

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